Wind and Rain Damage can be complicated. Some insurance companies will not pay for two types of damages. For instance wind damage and hail damage would be considered two different causes. Your insurance policy might have something called the anti-concurrent causation clause in it. If your insurance policy has this then you’ll have to pick one cause to file a claim. You also have an option of buying additional insurance from another company to cover the extra cause.

Insurance companies will want to go with the cheapest damage for payment. A public adjuster can help with this matter.

Things to do before disaster strikes:
Take pictures and document everything.
Get to know local contractors that are reliable. Contractors flock in from all over when disaster strikes and not all of them are honest.
Read your policy or talk with your agent to know what is covered. Is there a  anti-concurrent causation clause? Where can you get additional coverage if it is there?
Contact Richard Myers for free phone consultation and keep his number in your emergency number file.

Contractors will be everywhere trying to get your business.
Scammer alert…AVOID
Contractors that tell you the insurance company sent them.
Claims FEMA endorsed them
They ask for full payment. It’s reasonable to give a small deposit but full payment should only be given when job is completed.
Free inspections. Some contractors have been caught damaging the roof just for your business. Hire someone local with a good reputation.
Too much pressure. Don’t feel bad to say NO! Protect your home and investment.
Any contractor that offers to be your mediator with the insurance company. ONLY LICENSES adjusters can do this. It is illegal for contractors to negotiate with insurance companies.

What to ask for:
Ask to see identification, certifications or licenses to operate as professionals for all who come on your property.
Ask for proof of insurance for the company. Liability insurance and workman’s comp certificates are also a must.
Ask for manufacturer’s certification. This will surely distinguish between a scammer and a pro.
Check reviews online as well as pricing comparisons.
Ask if they have a BBB rating or belong to a Home Builder’s Association.
Always get quotes in writing. Do not hire anyone who will not give you a written quote!

Make sure you document everything. Even video recording is good.

Preventing further wind damage

  • Do you think there is possible structural, electrical or gas-leak hazards? Turn off (or have your utility provider shut off) electrical power, natural gas and propane tanks to avoid fire, electrocution or explosions.
  • Cover broken windows and doors with tarps, heavy plastic or plywood to prevent further damage. Save repair receipts for reimbursement.

Be aware of the area of damage. Homeowner injuries can happen when stepping on nails or broken glass. Stepping on unstable debris can result in serious injury from falls


Your insurance adjuster will come out and assess the damages. It’s highly beneficial to have a public adjuster there at the time. Many times the insurance adjuster will not document all damage. A public adjuster will keep them honest!

When in doubt call us at 832.687.7225

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