Commercial DamageFire DamageRoof DamageWater DamageHurricane DamageVehicles damage Commercial building complex roof damage. Historic Coliseum Roof exterior Claim Dispute Historic Coliseum Roof exterior Claim Dispute Hail and wind damage denied claim recovered thousands Hail and wind damage denied claim recovered thousands Condo was underpaid and denied further payments. Richard Myers recovered a multi million dollar payment after complete investigation. Fire Damage Electrical fire at a church Smoke Damage Hotel Fire Salon fire recovered almost 1 million Salon fire recovered almost 1 million Historic metal roof damage Historic metal roof damage Roof damage Roof damage Meticulous examination of damages Every inch is inspected for damage Water Damage Water Damage Water. Wind. Flood. Plus a tree fell on the roof. Church with wind damage RV owner was helped with his claim for damages This was damage done by a vehicle Classic Vehicle Appraisal RV claim