Document everything in writing and photographs BEFORE damage AND after damage. Always best to video your home inside and out to have record prior to any damages. Then after damage occurs pictures and videos will make a strong case for your claims. 

If your property flooded: A public adjuster will be able to tell you whether the claim is wind related or flood.

VERY important to know the difference. It will affect your claim. 

Did you properly mitigate/dryout your home or business if flooded? Document everything! 

Save your receipts and invoices. Have receipts signed after completion. 

Proof may be required that you hired a professional company to mitigate your damage. 

Your contractor must be able to prove:

1.They properly pulled permits as required.

2.They removed all water damaged product as needed or thoroughly dried all. 

Have your contractor provide a sketch of the structure with moisture readings. (Moisture readings should be 12% or less)

Save as proof that a professional company dried out your property.

Resources to help you.

Houston Flood Damage Repair

Houston Building Codes

FEMA Building Codes

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